191 research outputs found

    On the Helix-Coil transition in grafted chains

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    The helix-coil transition is modified by grafting to a surface. This modification is studied for short peptides capable of forming α\alpha-helices. Three factors are involved: (i) the grafting can induced change of the boundary free energy of the helical domain (ii) the van der Waals attraction between the helices and (iii) the crowding induced stretching of the coils. As a result the helix-coil transition acquires ``all or nothing'' characteristics. In addition the transition temperature is elevated and the transition itself sharpens as the grafting density increases.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figures, europhys.sty and euromacro.sty Submitted to Europhys. Let

    Reply to A. Louis Comment

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    Reply to A. Louis Comment: Fluid-solid phase-separation in hard-sphere mixtures is unrelated to bond-percolationComment: Reply to a comment of PRL 82 p960 To be published in PR

    Rigorous Bounds to Retarded Learning

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    We show that the lower bound to the critical fraction of data needed to infer (learn) the orientation of the anisotropy axis of a probability distribution, determined by Herschkowitz and Opper [Phys.Rev.Lett. 86, 2174 (2001)], is not always valid. If there is some structure in the data along the anisotropy axis, their analysis is incorrect, and learning is possible with much less data points.Comment: 1 page, 1 figure. Comment accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Finite size scaling of the bayesian perceptron

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    We study numerically the properties of the bayesian perceptron through a gradient descent on the optimal cost function. The theoretical distribution of stabilities is deduced. It predicts that the optimal generalizer lies close to the boundary of the space of (error-free) solutions. The numerical simulations are in good agreement with the theoretical distribution. The extrapolation of the generalization error to infinite input space size agrees with the theoretical results. Finite size corrections are negative and exhibit two different scaling regimes, depending on the training set size. The variance of the generalization error vanishes for NN \rightarrow \infty confirming the property of self-averaging.Comment: RevTeX, 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Kovacs effect and fluctuation-dissipation relations in 1D kinetically constrained models

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    Strong and fragile glass relaxation behaviours are obtained simply changing the constraints of the kinetically constrained Ising chain from symmetric to purely asymmetric. We study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of those two models focusing on the Kovacs effect and the fluctuation--dissipation relations. The Kovacs or memory effect, commonly observed in structural glasses, is present for both constraints but enhanced with the asymmetric ones. Most surprisingly, the related fluctuation-dissipation (FD) relations satisfy the FD theorem in both cases. This result strongly differs from the simple quenching procedure where the asymmetric model presents strong deviations from the FD theorem.Comment: 13 pages and 7 figures. To be published in J. Phys.

    Phase transitions in optimal unsupervised learning

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    We determine the optimal performance of learning the orientation of the symmetry axis of a set of P = alpha N points that are uniformly distributed in all the directions but one on the N-dimensional sphere. The components along the symmetry breaking direction, of unitary vector B, are sampled from a mixture of two gaussians of variable separation and width. The typical optimal performance is measured through the overlap Ropt=B.J* where J* is the optimal guess of the symmetry breaking direction. Within this general scenario, the learning curves Ropt(alpha) may present first order transitions if the clusters are narrow enough. Close to these transitions, high performance states can be obtained through the minimization of the corresponding optimal potential, although these solutions are metastable, and therefore not learnable, within the usual bayesian scenario.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PRE, This new version of the paper contains one new section, Bayesian versus optimal solutions, where we explain in detail the results supporting our claim that bayesian learning may not be optimal. Figures 4 of the first submission was difficult to understand. We replaced it by two new figures (Figs. 4 and 5 in this new version) containing more detail

    Optical conductivity of URu2_2Si2_2 in the Kondo Liquid and Hidden-Order Phases

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    We measured the polarized optical conductivity of URu2_2Si2_2 from room temperature down to 5 K, covering the Kondo state, the coherent Kondo liquid regime, and the hidden-order phase. The normal state is characterized by an anisotropic behavior between the ab plane and c axis responses. The ab plane optical conductivity is strongly influenced by the formation of the coherent Kondo liquid: a sharp Drude peak develops and a hybridization gap at 12 meV leads to a spectral weight transfer to mid-infrared energies. The c axis conductivity has a different behavior: the Drude peak already exists at 300 K and no particular anomaly or gap signature appears in the coherent Kondo liquid regime. When entering the hidden-order state, both polarizations see a dramatic decrease in the Drude spectral weight and scattering rate, compatible with a loss of about 50 % of the carriers at the Fermi level. At the same time a density-wave like gap appears along both polarizations at about 6.5 meV at 5 K. This gap closes respecting a mean field thermal evolution in the ab plane. Along the c axis it remains roughly constant and it "fills up" rather than closing.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    The Effects of Stacking on the Configurations and Elasticity of Single Stranded Nucleic Acids

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    Stacking interactions in single stranded nucleic acids give rise to configurations of an annealed rod-coil multiblock copolymer. Theoretical analysis identifies the resulting signatures for long homopolynucleotides: A non monotonous dependence of size on temperature, corresponding effects on cyclization and a plateau in the extension force law. Explicit numerical results for poly(dA) and poly(rU) are presented.Comment: 4 pages and 2 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev. E Rapid Com

    Topological Quantum Glassiness

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    Quantum tunneling often allows pathways to relaxation past energy barriers which are otherwise hard to overcome classically at low temperatures. However, this is not always the case. In this paper we provide simple exactly solvable examples where the barriers each system encounters on its approach to lower and lower energy states become increasingly large and eventually scale with the system size. If the environment couples locally to the physical degrees of freedom in the system, tunnelling under large barriers requires processes whose order in perturbation theory is proportional to the width of the barrier. This results in quantum relaxation rates that are exponentially suppressed in system size: For these quantum systems, no physical bath can provide a mechanism for relaxation that is not dynamically arrested at low temperatures. The examples discussed here are drawn from three dimensional generalizations of Kitaev's toric code, originally devised in the context of topological quantum computing. They are devoid of any local order parameters or symmetry breaking and are thus examples of topological quantum glasses. We construct systems that have slow dynamics similar to either strong or fragile glasses. The example with fragile-like relaxation is interesting in that the topological defects are neither open strings or regular open membranes, but fractal objects with dimension d=ln3/ln2d^* = ln 3/ ln 2.Comment: (18 pages, 4 figures, v2: typos and updated figure); Philosophical Magazine (2011

    Fluctuation-dissipation relations in the activated regime of simple strong-glass models

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    We study the out-of-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation (FD) relations in the low temperature, finite time, physical aging regime of two simple models with strong glass behaviour, the Fredrickson-Andersen model and the square-plaquette interaction model. We explicitly show the existence of unique, waiting-time independent dynamical FD relations. While in the Fredrickson-Andersen model the FD theorem is obeyed at all times, the plaquette model displays piecewise linear FD relations, similar to what is found in disordered mean-field models and in simulations of supercooled liquids, and despite the fact that its static properties are trivial. We discuss the wider implications of these results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure